$GLD and $SLV Prices as of December 23 2019 @moneymetals

8:38 AM

December 23, 2019 – Gold and silver prices moved higher last week. It was a second week of gains with silver finishing back above $17/oz and gold within shooting distance of $1,500/oz. With further gains this week, the monetary metals can tie a bow on a very respectable year.

In recent years, the metals made some of their biggest gains between December and June. Perhaps that pattern will repeat.

Markets appear completely undisturbed by the Democrats’ vote to impeach President Donald Trump. Opposition to impeachment enjoyed bi-partisan support, and Democrats couldn’t put forward a case based on bribery or other actual high crimes.

They will need a ton of Republicans to defect and support impeachment in the Senate. There are some anti-Trump Republicans there, but it is hard to imagine very many flirting with political suicidal by voting with the Democrats.

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