The Perth Mint, Australia's National Mint, First Issued a 1 Oz Silver Coin Featuring the Beloved Koala in 2007

8:10 AM

The Koala is one of Australia's most iconic creatures, but it is widely misunderstood. The adorable Koala is not a bear. It is a marsupial, like the kangaroo. Infant koala's are not born ready to start navigating on their own. Rather, they are placed in the mother's pouch where they can safely develop for a period outside the mother's womb.

The Perth Mint, Australia's national mint, first issued a 1 oz silver coin featuring the beloved Koala in 2007. Mintages have been smaller than for the more widely distributed silver Kangaroo. In recent years, the total production cap was set at 300,000 coins though even fewer coins were actually produced in 2017 and 2018.

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