
The NZ Bounty is Not Only an Outstanding Value in Legal Tender Silver, but also a Spectacular Mint Silver Coin

8:03 AM

The HMS Bounty: A three-masted merchant vessel built in England in 1784, the HMS Bounty was purchased by the Royal Navy in 1787. She was sent to the Pacific under command of William Bligh to acquire breadfruit plants from Tahiti and transport them to the British West Indies in hopes of producing edible harvests. In September 1788, the ship sailed past the southern tip of New Zealand on its long and arduous voyage. The mission was aborted in April 1789 following a mutiny led by Acting Lieutenant Fletcher Christian. This was the famous Mutiny on the Bounty, subject of three films including the 1935 classic starring Charles Laughton and Clark Gable. The mutineers burned the ship on Pitcairn Island in 1790 in order to avoid detection by the Royal Navy, which sought to return them to England for trial. The remains of the Bounty were discovered in 1957, and various parts have been salvaged. Though its service was short and its end tragic, the Bounty remains a bold symbol of the global quest for wealth and prosperity.

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