
These Versatile Bars are Produced by Valcambi - One of Switzerland's Largest and Most Reputable LBMA Approved Refiners

9:21 AM

Valcambi is located in Balerna, Switzerland and has been making beautiful bars for since the early 1960s. Each Gold CombiBar is enclosed in a tamper evident pack with assay information. (Valcambi Combibar gold)

Yes, prudent investors need to prepare for the end of the U.S. dollar and have a stack of metal on hand to use as money in its stead. The Gold CombiBar was designed for that purpose. The fiat dollar's value is based entirely upon confidence in our nation's economic strength and ability to meet its obligations. Because the federal government cannot restrain deficits, borrowing and spending that confidence is waning. Without a course correction, it will one day vanish.

And, if history is a guide, the confidence will collapse suddenly, catching the unprepared by surprise. Recent events in Venezeula are a good example of how a currency crisis strikes suddenly, leaving citizens scrambling to find alternatives to the official fiat money (the bolivar) - an extraordinarily difficult situation.

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