
If Gold Is In A Bubble, Then Mine Supply Must Come From The Tooth Fairy

12:48 PM

First published by Money Metals here: https://www.moneymetals.com/news/2019/08/16/harry-dent-predictions-reply-gold-bubble-001846

Harry Dent says gold is in a bubble, and according to his analysis, warns that it could go back down to $700. If the gold price were to crash lower to $700, as Dent forecasts, then 50+% of the gold mining industry would have to shut down. Why? Because the top gold miners total cost of production is now above $1,200 an ounce. Of course, Harry Dent doesn’t take into consideration what it cost to produce gold as he pays no attention to the impact of ENERGY on the market. He, like many analysts, must believe that gold comes from the Tooth Fairy.

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